Ressources personnelles, aides familiales, prêts bancaires… Quid du crowdfunding ? De nouveaux horizons se dessinent pour financer un projet de création d’entreprise en franchise. Présentation des enjeux et particularités du crowdfunding en franchise par David Dumont, directeur général de Particeep.
Crédits photo : Shutterstock
Il n'existe pas encore de plateforme de crowdfunding dédiée à la franchise en France.A l’heure où un nombre croissant de cadres voient en la franchise un moyen commode de conclure leur carrière professionnelle tout en constituant un patrimoine, l’accès au financement demeure complexe. Le montant disponible pour l’apport personnel reste limité tandis que les banques campent sur leurs exigences prudentielles.
Si en tel contexte le crowdfunding apparaît comme une alternative intéressante et prometteuse, il faut raison garder quant aux modalités et à la structuration du projet.
Un fortifiant pour l’apport personnel
Le crowdfunding existe sous plusieurs formes, chacune comportant ses avantages et ses inconvénients.
- Le don contre contrepartie est une contribution quasi affective et généralement faible, créant ou renforçant le lien commercial entre participant et porteur de projet ;
- Le prêt permet des participations plus significatives (jusqu’à 1 000 euros par projet) et le prêteur connait à l’avance l’échéancier de remboursement et le taux pratiqué (bien plus attractif qu’un livret A, mais aussi plus risqué) ;
- La prise de participation au capital permet des tickets plus importants encore, mais est assortie de contraintes liées notamment au versement des bénéfices et au rachat des parts, l’actionnaire investisseur souhaitant généralement un taux de rendement bien supérieur aux taux de croissance observés dans le commerce.
La franchise étant un business-model à fort savoir-faire financé par un droit d’entrée, l’enjeu est d’apporter au porteur de projet un complément utile, pour lui éviter de trop grever son "chèque de départ" et sans non plus prétendre être un substitut à l’emprunt bancaire.
Des autres vertus du crowdfunding pour le prêteur
Remettre du lien
Il est généralement reproché aux concepts en franchise d’être aseptisés, et implantés au forceps au cœur des villes voire des villages en remplacement de commerçants et d’artisans amoureux de leur métier. Le crowdfunding a pour vertu de recréer du lien social de par la dimension communautaire de ses projets, les réseaux soc
The Insurance Regulatory Authority’s 2012 Insurance Industry Report shows that health insurers collectively experienced a claim ratio of around 77% with 50% of health insurers not generating an underwriting profit. This has led to health insurers raising premium rates, and as a result the market has become highly price sensitive.
Innovation is the solution to address the challenges – whether that means developing new and innovative products matching the risk profile of policyholders or modifying existing methodologies improving processes and efficiencies to reduce total healthcare costs.Total healthcare costs can be contained or decreased only by some combination of the following
Incentivising the appropriate use of healthcare services
Alignment of service provider reimbursement and quality of care
Limiting fraudulent activity
Containing non-healthcare expenditure
Incentivising the appropriate use of healthcare services
Many strategies can incentivise the appropriate use of healthcare services, consequently reducing unnecessary healthcare expenditure.
These strategies include limiting the type and number of visits that are reimbursed, increasing deductibles and co-payments, decreasing allowable amounts for covered procedures, and establishing or decreasing duration based maximum expenditures. Further strategies may involve insurers only subsidising the use of generic drugs or, when appropriate, more cost-effective brand-name drugs in order to reduce drug costs without infringing on quality of care, according to EY.
To be implemented successfully, the application of such strategies should be considered holistically so as not to cause patients to avoid necessary care. For example, women may avoid screening (e.g. pap smears or mammography) and subsequently present with late-stage cancer.
Holistic implementation should include incentivising preventative primary care and encouraging and educating self-management of chronic conditions. As a minimum benefit, insurers could pay towards the full cost of early detection procedures for the high-costing diseases specifically prevalent with the population group. Similarly, to encourage proper management of chronic conditions, insurers could employ chronic condition related benefit waivers. Further implementation strategies could include educating and incentivising policyholders to make healthier lifestyle choices. This could also be achieved through the creation of loyalty programs specifically aimed at achieving a healthier insured population group whilst acting as a market differentiator, according to EY.
Alignment of service provider reimbursement and quality of care
Provider behaviour is often a natural consequence of the reimbursement method used. The incentive within each of the provider reimbursement mechanisms is therefore a key consideration when designing the overall mix of the reimbursement methods.
The fee-for-service method, which is commonly used, is often criticised for encouraging an over-servicing of health services because providers are paid for each service given. For the same reason, there is a tendency to reduce the time spent by activity or delegate to less qualified health professionals, so the provider can maximise their income, according to EY.
Strategic interventions that can remedy the problem of over-servicing
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