Many Thanks to My Top 25 Financial Services Twitter Influencers of 2016
As 2016 comes to a close, I wanted to take a few minutes to thank and recognize a select group of FinTech influencers who have played an invaluable role in regularly sharing great insights through their Twitter feed.
It seems like a new Top Influencer list is popping up every couple of weeks and I've been honored to be listed on many of them. Over the last three years, I personally have built a master list of over 200 accounts I track each day, of which largely consists of the regulars on those top influencer lists. However, for those days I have limited time to get caught up on what is happening in the the FinTech world, I need a more concise feed. Last year, I created my Top 30 list of 2015. This was my go-to list throughout the year and it served me well.
As we go into 2017, I have refreshed my top go-to Financial Services influencer list for 2016. I didn't use any special formula or calculation. This is simply the list of individuals who I believe have added the most value to my Twitter feed throughout 2016 and who I believe will continue to be great sources of insight, news, and other information in 2017 (although I'm sure once I hit 'publish' I'll realize I missed a couple).
2016 was only my 3rd full year on Twitter. I raved last year about how valuable I have found it for keeping up with industry trends, sharing my own content, and for networking. After another year, I still stand by the value Twitter can play. However, it is really a result of the broader community coming together to share stories, insights, and good banter. Over the year at various events, I finally managed to meet a number of the influencers on my list face-to-face and hope to meet many more next year.
As exciting as 2016 was, I'm expecting 2017 to see even bigger change in the industry. I'm looking forward to following these 25 accounts in 2017 and hope to accumulate a couple of new ones throughout the year.
Thanks to all of you on this list, to all those I follow, as well as my nearly 13k followers!
Happy New Year and see you in 2017!
- Alex Jimenez - @RAlexJimenez
- Anna Irrera - @annairrera
- April Rudin - @TheRudinGroup
- Brad Leimer – @Leimer
- Brett King - @BrettKing
- Bryan Clagett - @Clagett
- Chris Gledhill - @CGledhill
- Chris Skinner - @Chris_Skinner
- Danielle Guzman - @guzmand
- David Brear - @DavidBrear
- Devie Mohan - @devie_mohan
- Duena Blomstrom - @DuenaBlomstrom
- Hardeep Walia - @hardeepw
- Jay Palter - @JayPalter
- Jim Marous - @JimMarous
- Matteo Carbone - @MCIns_
- Minh Q. Tran - @Minh_Q_Tran
- Nigel Walsh - @NigelWalsh
- Oliver Bussmann - @OBussmann
- Ron Shevlin - @RShevlin
- Sam Maule - @sammaule
- Scott Bales - @scottebales
- Simon Porter - @SimonLPorter
- Simon Taylor - @sytaylor
- Spiros Margaris- @SpirosMargaris