À propos de Mandalore Partners
Mandalore Partners est un (Corporate) Venture Capital-as-a-Service pour les assureurs qui souhaitent dé-risquer leur programmes d’innovation avec des investissements stratégiques et financiers avec de la mesure d’impact. Avec Insurtech Capital, notre fonds dédié au Groupe Apicil, nous investissons dans les technologies autour des métiers de l’assurance, l’asset management et de l’épargne.
Contact Presse : [email protected]
About Alpheys:
The ALPHEYS Group provides wealth management professionals with innovative market solutions across all asset classes through an open architecture technology platform.
ALPHEYS, recognized for its technological leadership, currently has €5 billion in assets under management, more than 1,000 professional partners and 300 management companies connected to the platform.
About Mandalore Partners:
Mandalore Partners is a company specialized in (Corporate) Venture Capital as a Service for large groups, ETIs, and growing companies to source and invest in innovative technologies.
#Web3Surance #Insurtech #InvestTech #ImpactTech #ImmoTech
Sisouphan TRAN, Président d’ALPHEYS déclare : « L’intégration d’une brique robo-advisor dans nos parcours digitaux était inscrite sur la roadmap stratégique d’ALPHEYS. L’objectif est d’aider nos partenaires professionnels du patrimoine dans la réalisation de leurs arbitrages, la réallocation et la dynamisation des portefeuilles de leurs clients. Les outils de FUNDSHOP, complètement paramétrables, permettront à nos partenaires CGP et distributeurs de personnaliser leurs modèles d’allocation en fonction de leurs besoins, en y intégrant l’allocation stratégique et tactique de sociétés de gestion de leur choix. »
Iohann CRESPIN, Directeur Général Délégué d’ALPHEYS ajoute : « La robotisation des allocations et de la formalisation du conseil donné aux clients finaux, notamment en matière d’adéquation, donnera la possibilité aux CGP de conseiller beaucoup plus efficacement, et dans le respect de la réglementation, un très grand nombre de clients. Les gains de réactivité qui en découlent se traduiront in fine par une plus grande valeur ajoutée, au service des clients finaux. »
Léonard de TILLY, Directeur Général de FUNDSHOP commente « Cette opération nous permet de franchir une nouvelle étape et renforce notre positionnement en intégrant davantage la chaîne de distribution. De nombreux projets sont déjà initiés, à la fois pour augmenter les services digitaux auprès des partenaires d’Alpheys, et également pour automatiser les opérations auprès des fournisseurs. Notre offre fonctionnelle va continuer à s’enrichir pour mieux accompagner nos clients et capter de nouveaux marchés avec les briques existantes :
MIPISE est une FinTech-Regtech spécialiste de la digitalisation des activités financières.
Son offre de solutions « white label end-to-end » permet de digitaliser des workflows complexes et critiques d’on-boarding, investissement et paiement dans les domaines du Private Equity, Wealth Management, Insurance et Corporate.
MIPISE vient de finaliser une levée d’1 M€ en equity pour consolider sa position de leader sur le marché français des plateformes de crowdfunding et accélérer son développement au service de la Finance Alternative et des acteurs de la gestion d’actifs (CGP, Family Offices, fonds) en France et en Europe.
Ce tour de table « pré-série A », associe les investisseurs historiques de MIPISE (WeLikeStartup et le réseau Investessor, le fonds SIBESSOR 2 et le Groupe familial THEOS). Mandalore Partners, spécialisé dans les technologies autour de l’épargne (Wealth Tech), rentre au capital en tant que lead-investisseur à l’occasion de nouveau tour de table.
Une levée complémentaire en dette de 1M€ est en cours, avec l’accompagnement d’EDULIS qui conseille la stratégie de financement de MIPISE depuis 2018. Elle permettra à MIPISE d’étendre son offre en Europe, notamment au Benelux, en Allemagne et au Royaume Uni.
En parallèle, MIPISE poursuivra son programme de R&D axé sur l’UX client et un service personnalisé, l’intégration de la nouvelle réglementation européenne PFSP et l’innovation continue, en mobilisant son expertise Blockchain.
Une croissance soutenue en 2021, une forte accélération internationale en 2022
Michel IVANOVSKY, Président de MIPISE, précise : « MIPISE a opéré 750 M€ de flux depuis sa création. En 2021, nous avons augmenté notre chiffre d’affaires de 55% par rapport à 2020 et nous avons doublé le nombre de clients. Cette levée vient soutenir nos ambitions de développement. Déjà leader dans la création de plateformes digitales de crowdfunding, nous voulons devenir rapidement un référent en Europe en matière de digitalisation des processus d’on-boarding et de paiement pour les Asset managers et les sociétés de gestion, en contribuant à leur performance opérationnelle et à la compliance de leurs activités ».
Minh Q. Tran, fondateur de Mandalore Partners, ajoute : « Nous sommes spécialisés dans les technologies autour de l’épargne, la gestion d’actifs et la mesure d’impact en tant que VC-as-a-Service dans les institutionnels et family offices, ce qui explique notre intérêt pour l’offre et la stratégie de croissance de MIPISE ».
A propos de MIPISE :
Fondé en 2013 par Michel Ivanovsky et Jean-Michel Errera, deux anciens dirigeants de banque, Mipise s’est spécialisé dans l’innovation technologiques au service des acteurs financiers souhaitant engager leur transformation digitale.
Pour 2022, MIPISE attend une croissance de 50 à 80% de son chiffre d’affaires. L’équipe comptera 30 collaborateurs d’ici à la fin de l’année et s’appuiera sur des partenariats locaux pour asseoir son développement en Europe.
Au cœur du projet Mipise, la vision d’une finance qui doit se réinventer grâce aux outils technologiques digitaux, aux plateformes Saas, à la blockchain pour permettre le succès d’une économie collaborative et financière performante.
Plus d’informations sur www.mipise.com
A propos de Mandalore Partners :
Mandalore Partners, est spécialisé dans le Corporate Venture Capital-as-a-Service. Il développe des thèses d’investissement et d’innovation avec les ETI et les PME Tech. Cela permet de dé-risquer les investissements stratégiques en accompagnant les programmes d’innovation dans le venture capital.
Plus d’informations sur www.mandalorepartners.com
Contacts presse :
Agence Fargo : Hana DITTA : [email protected] | 06 16 83 93 77
Cassandre FERRELA : [email protected] | 06 16 83 64 55
Conseils de l’Opération :
EDULIS : Philippe LAGARDE - www.edulis-capital.fr
NOSTEN Avocat : Alain NOSTEN - www.cabinet-nosten.com
LAWWAYS Avocats : Laura PALLAVICINI - www.lawways.com
Lyon, 16 November 2021 - 18 months after the launch of its commercial offer, the Lyon-based fintech Mon Petit Placement has closed a €6 million fundraising round, with the participation of the French Tech Seed fund managed on behalf of the French government by Bpifrance as part of the Future Investment Programme, Insurtech Capital, Weaving Group, Aonia Ventures and French Founders. All of the start-up's historical investors are also participating in this round of financing.
"We are delighted to participate in this round of financing. Our objective alongside Mon Petit Placement is twofold: first, to support the company's growth, in particular through its partnership with APICIL Group; second, to develop its direct investment offer but also the measurement of impact investing," adds Minh Q. TRAN, Managing Partner of Insurtech Capital managed by Mandalore Partners.
Lyon, le 16 novembre 2021 – 18 mois après le lancement de son offre commerciale, la fintech lyonnaise Mon Petit Placement clôture une levée de fonds de 6 M€ à laquelle participent le fonds French Tech Seed géré pour le compte de l’Etat par Bpifrance dans le cadre du Programme d’investissements d’avenir, Insurtech Capital géré par Mandalore Partners, Weaving Invest, Aonia Ventures et French Founders. L’ensemble des investisseurs historiques de la start-up participent également à ce tour de table.
« Nous sommes ravis de participer à ce tour de table. Notre objectif aux côtés de Mon Petit Placement est double : d’abord, accompagner la croissance de l’entreprise, notamment via son partenariat avec Groupe APICIL ; ensuite, développer son offre d’investissement en direct mais aussi la mesure de l’impact investing », ajoute Minh Q. TRAN, Managing Partner d’Insutech Capital géré par Mandalore Partners.
More info: www.monpetitplacement.fr
(MILAN / LONDON / PARIS / MUNICH) – November 4, 2021 – Ambienta SGR SpA (“Ambienta”), one of Europe’s largest asset managers entirely focused on environmental sustainability, is pleased to announce that its platform Company Namirial S.p.A. (“Namirial”), a leader in digital trust software and services, has completed the acquisition of Netheos SAS (“Netheos”), French provider of remote identity verification and customer onboarding solutions.
Netheos, founded in 2004 and headquartered in Montpellier, is one of the leading French providers of remote identity verification and customer onboarding solutions. The company offers solutions for customers onboarding online, providing an integrated platform for identity verification, documents check and digital agreement automation. The unique selling proposition of Netheos is to ensure at the same time a frictionless experience that maximizes customers conversion rates and a reliable and secure process that minimizes the risk of frauds and meets the strictest compliance requirements. Netheos is primarily serving customers in regulated industries such as financial services and fintech, insurance and real estate.
Namirial, thanks to this acquisition, completes its offer by adding customer on-boarding and KYC – Know Your Client – solutions to its digital trust services. The combination of Netheos technology with Namirial Digital Trust Services, will help companies better deliver on the overall digital business imperative, providing best-in-class customer experience, making simplicity meet security and compliance.
The acquisition will be delivering several advantages: Netheos customers and partners gain access to Namirial digital transaction management capabilities, including trust services for identification, authentication, and ad-hoc provision of certificates for creation of advanced and qualified electronic signatures according to EU Regulation 910/2014 eIDAS. Namirial customers and partners will benefit from extended capabilities in identification and onboarding, complementing their existing digital transaction management installations and customers and partners of both companies, will have broader global accessibility thanks to combined market coverage. Namirial will also have a much stronger presence in the strategic markets of France and French speaking countries.
“Namirial is solidifying its position as a digital transaction management leader in executing its growth strategy,” said Aragon CEO and Lead Analyst Jim Lundy. “The choice to acquire Netheos is adding strong artificial intelligence capabilities for both identification and document verification to the Namirial portfolio. Namirial can now claim to be an AI-powered company more than ever.”
Ambienta acquired a majority stake in Namirial in May 2020; within the first months of the investment huge progresses have been made regarding the main strategics directions: from the buildup of a new leadership team alongside the co-founder Enrico Giacomelli and its existing management team, the creation of a full set of management systems and processes, the fostering of the ESG culture within the group by launching Ambienta ESG in Action® program, to the organic growth acceleration with the e-commerce implementation and the launch of new products and go-to-market teams. As a result of these actions, Namirial has further accelerated its growth in 2020 and 2021, while maintaining industry-best profitability and cash generation metrics.
Netheos, as per Namirial, has a positive environmental impact: its software and services allow online identification and onboarding avoiding printing bulky documents and with no need to travel to sign contracts. In addition, this acquisition points out the success of Ambienta’s entry into France, with its Paris office opened in 2020, which helped to better cover this territory and ultimately to secure this acquisition.
Massimiliano Pellegrini, CEO of Namirial said: “The entry of Netheos into Namirial represents a natural evolution of our digital trust services platform and solutions strategy. Customers in regulated industries, particularly in the financial services vertical, have expressed interest in having more identification and fraud prevention capabilities embedded within our solutions. We believe this acquisition provides significant competitive differentiation over other digital trust platform providers.”
Olivier Détour, Founder and CEO of Netheos said: “We are excited to have Namirial investing in Netheos.” He added: “We appreciate the Namirial corporate strategy, focused on sustainable long-term growth and stakeholder value. The joint product portfolios represent a great fit to harness market needs, including our joint commitment to offer white-labeled solutions. The acquisition is great news for Netheos customers: while there will be continuity in terms of management, sales and support contacts, as we combine our companies’ industry-leading technologies, our customers and partners will benefit from unparalleled capabilities.”
Giancarlo Beraudo, Partner at Ambienta, said “We are very proud of the acquisition of Netheos, which is the first step in our M&A strategy aimed at further internationalize Namirial and fostering our unique position as a global leader in digital trust services, based on a truly pan-European DNA”. Giancarlo added “Netheos is the perfect fit for Namirial as the acquisition will deliver a multitude of synergies for us and our customers and ultimately will further accelerate our growth journey.”
Let us meet at WebSummit - https://calendly.com/minhqtran/websummit
HUBX, a deal syndication platform for banks and brokerage firms, welcomes two new investors, Mandalore Partners and ACF Investors’ Delta Fund. They join other existing investors including Barclays and Basinghall Partners.
HUBX clients and partners include Tier 1 banks, Finastra and Barclays.
The platform allows financial institutions to digitise their syndicated lending and private placement transactions by collaborating safely with other organisations without sharing private data. This gives every HUBX client access to other client networks for deal syndication and joint bookrunning on a private basis.
HUBX simplifies collaboration between banks by allowing institutions of all sizes to quickly deploy their own deal syndication platform and share deals on their own terms privately. Each platform leverages actionable insights and structured data that connects with back-office systems such as Fusion Loan IQ, to deliver a single source of truth and straight through processing.
Axel Coustere, co-founder of HUBX said “Banks are embracing end-to-end execution and better customer experience across the value chain. The front-end deal syndication process is the logical next step in terms of digitisation in capital markets. We look forward to working with Mandalore Partners and ACF Investors on delivering platform adoption in this space.”
Stephen Ong, co-founder of HUBX added “We are excited to be digitally connecting more players in the private deal syndications markets. By providing a single infrastructure to large and small banks alike, we can deliver significant efficiency gains for large institutions, cost-effective cutting-edge technology to the smaller ones and digital transformation of front office operations, out of the box.”
Minh Q. Tran, managing partner at Mandalore, said “Mandalore Partners invests in Insurtech and focuses on Decentralized Finance (#DeFi) with possible acceleration in adopting blockchain technology. Hence, we want to onboard more institutional investors on marketplaces or blockchain platforms to assess new alternative assets in private equity.”
Tim Mills, CEO of ACF Investors, said “HUBX has built a robust, highly usable and extremely scalable platform to improve the efficiency, but also enhance the client experience, for one the largest areas of capital markets. With the traction they now have with major institutions in both Europe and the US serving to re-enforce the strength of the value proposition. We are therefore delighted to be supporting the founding team of Stephen and Axel on this journey, through this latest tranche of funding that will help to build on the Company’s momentum.”
About HUBX
Headquartered in London, The Hub Exchange Limited (“HUBX”) delivers state-of-the-art deal syndication platforms to help banks, brokers, exchanges and asset management firms execute private transactions within their own network and beyond. It helps financial institutions meet time-critical deal execution deadlines and reduce dramatically costs associated with executing and syndicating private transactions. HUBX delivers its robust, secure platform directly as well as through outsourcers and major industry service providers.
Further information can be found at: hubx.capital.
About Mandalore Partners
Mandalore works with insurance companies, institutional investors, and fund managers to invest at scale in real and alternative assets, with strong technology expertise and exposure to startups seeking to disrupt traditional players in Fintech, Insurtech, Proptech, Wealthtech, and Impact Finance. Mandalore has offices in Paris, London, and Luxembourg.
Further information can be found at: mandalorepartners.com.
About ACF Investors (“ACF”)
Based in London, ACF manage £100m active co-investment funds that seek to achieve consistent returns by partnering with experienced syndicates of angel investors to help fund and scale early-stage businesses. Built on the experience of many investments across multiple funds, the ACF coinvests with angel investors and provides its capital, experience and support. ACF is a proponent of patient capital, making conscious long-term investments to help companies reach their full potential and generate the best returns.
Further information can be found at: acfinvestors.com.
For further information please contact:
The above methodology is a mix of followers and online social authority.
Do you know that this week, we have the 1st BNI International Convention 100% online? Programme and registration here from @BNI_official_pg
I recently joined as a founding member the BNI French Connexion, the 1st online chapter in the history of BNI. It is 100% online and it is the worldwide premiere. Thanks for @BNI_France for allowing that
There are mainly 35 members after a few months now and we aim to reach about 100. For my businss as an investor and venture capitalist, there are many questions that have raised. Why join? There are clearly no investors or LPs to reach out.
However, one can observe 3 key facts:
Happy to hear from the top influencers too:
Mandalore Partners announces its first investment in an innovation accelerator. This partnership between the Start-up & Spin-Off Studio Ker and Mandalore Partners will allow Mandalore to:
Invest in the Start-up Studio Ker
Create a vertical in Insurtech with APICIL group, a non-profit French corporation focusing on social protection in the “Auvergne Rhône-Alpes” (AURA) region
Develop tech innovation in SMBs in the AURA region on others verticals with corporates
The AURA region is a great source of high-potential SMBs (nearly 3000 of them, the highest concentration in France), but struggles to scale due to a lack of tools to deploy these innovations. These promising companies generally need follow-up and financing.
Established in the heart of Lyon Tech-La Doua campus in Villeurbanne (22,000 students), the Start- Up Studio KER has access to the best French engineers and to 23 labs from INSA structured around multiple verticals, especially health. Ker is a Start-up & Spin-Off studio specialized in the creation and acceleration of tech projects in collaboration with the startups. Ker also provides seed money to the best startups. Its core technologies include in particular GreenTech, HRTech, FoodTech and SportTech.
The Start-Up Studio Ker focuses on a proven methodology and has the role of tech innovation catalyst. Ker identifies business-related needs with high added-value for its stockholders and partner companies, then gathers a team of high-potential engineers with complementary co-founders in order to launch entrepreneurial projects in optimal conditions for success. Mandalore Partners has been seduced by the multiple shared resources, the multi-disciplinary team, the market knowledge of partner companies and the privileged relations with labs and engineering universities (especially INSA Lyon) of Ker.
In addition, this investment will allow the establishment of a new vertical founded on insurance. This vertical will focus on three industries: digital insurance products (neo-insurance), Data and Artificial Intelligence especially targeted at prevention and services to insurers and brokers (marketing and sales). This investment thus fulfills the joint goal of Mandalore Partners and APICIL to address clients’ needs through innovation.
Other verticals besides insurance, such as digital, transports and energy, will be addressed in partnership with corporates. Financed projects will benefit from support on governance, fundraising, financial management, HR management and public relations.
« We are delighted to partner with APICIL and Mandalore Partners in order to help emerge new businesses around insurance, prevention, and health in corporations. Ker is open to other collaborations in order to build new verticals, based on its creation methodology and investment tool. » Sébastien Perros, CEO of KER.
« Mandalore once again highlights its capacity to support partner companies in their innovation approach and deployment of regional partnerships. Our sector expertise in InsurTech allows us to identify relevant projects in order to create appropriate innovation synergies. We are convinced that they will know how to benefit from it and put themselves at the forefront of InsurTech »Minh Q. Tran, Managing Partner and Founder of Mandalore Partners
« Convinced that open-innovation is the way to go about transformation, the APICIL group has actively joined support programs for startups and Intrapreneurial projects. This partnership is a new opportunity to develop innovative ideas coming internally, in order to transform our job as insurers and bring a new customer experience thanks to this collaboration with Ker and all of its multi-disciplinary partners. »Marie Christine Eudes, Director of Innovation and Services at Groupe APICIL
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